Documentos da UNEA

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UNEA - União Nacional dos Estudantes Angolanos
UNEA UNIÃO NACIONAL DOS ESTUDANTES ANGOLANOS NATIONAL UNION OF ANGOLAN STUDENTS ------------------***----------------- A UNEA informa que de 31 de Agosto a 3 de Setembro de 1965 André Mankenda, Carlos Nensala, Daniel Memvanga, Ernesto Mulato, Emmanuel Fernandes, Florentino Duarte, José Bastos, José Chipenda, João Chisseva, Job de Carvalho, João Macondecua, Jackson Munzila, José N’Dele, Jacob Pereira, Jorge Sangumba, Jorge Valentim, Jerónimo Wanga, Leopoldo Trovoada, Nicolau Mabeka, Paulo Touba, Ruben Sanjovo, Samuel Abrigada e Willis Ndumba reuniram-se no Hotel Terminus em Utreque, Holanda para dar a UNEA uma nova Constituição, prove-la de um Regulamento Interno e eleger o novo Comité Executivo. Os actuais membros do Comité Executivo da UNEA são: José Chipenda, André Mankenda, Jorge Sangumba, João Macondecua, Leopoldo Trovoada, Nicolau Mabeka, Job de Carvalho, Domingos de Carvalho, Jacob Pereira, Afonso Aniceto, Carlos Nensala e Jackson Munzila. A UNEA acha necessário dizer que a Reunião da Holanda não foi convocada a título de Congresso nem tão pouco substitui o Congresso de Todos os Estudantes Angolanos. O objectivo dos que foram a Holanda foi de tornar claro que a UNEA, estando ao serviço dos estudantes, não se deixa monopolizar por nenhum dos partidos políticos. A vida e o futuro dela dependem, portanto, da participação dos próprios estudantes e do suporte que deles emanar. A Constituição da UNEA preve entre várias finalidades «promover a Consciência Nacional e sentimento de responsabilidade mutua entre os estudantes, ...e zelar pelo progresso académico e interesses dos estudantes.» O Regulamento Interno, por uma vez, da ênfase ao trabalho das Secções encabeçadas pelos seus Comités Dirigentes. A UNEA pede que os membros sejam activos nas suas Secções e que os membros do Comité Dirigente de cada Secção em cooperação com os membros do Comité Executivo aproveitem os talentos de seus associados para um trabalho de melhor envergadura e maior expansão. Para impor ordem e disciplina a UNEA pede que os nomes dos membros do Comité Executivo não sejam usados para propaganda política. Semelhantemente, nenhuma publicação deve circular falando das actividades da UNEA sem aprovação do Comité Executivo e consentimento de seus Secretários de Informação. As Secções podem e devem ter seus próprios órgãos de propagação que, para não incorrer avultadas despesas, terá limitada circulação. Espera-se, todavia, que as cópias de qualquer material publicado pelas Secções sejam enviadas aos membros do Comité Executivo. As publicações da UNEA trarão bem visível as iniciais «UNEA» e endereço de procedência; as publicações das Secções podem levar qualquer outro título, mas torna-se indispensável a identificação da Secção responsável do seu conteúdo e circulação. ----------------------------------- ** ** ----------------------------------- Jan./66, 255 West 108 Street, New York 10025, New York  L’UNEA DEMANDE VOTRE COOPERATION Conformément aux résolutions adoptées lors de la dernière Assembles extraordinaire de l’UNEA, tenue a Utrecht du 30 Août au 3 Septembre 1965, et compte tenu de l’esprit et des attributions que la nouvelle Constitution nous assigne, par la presente, je me permets et vous prie de bien vouloir me fournir les renseignements ci-après: a) Liste et nombre de tous les étudiants Angolais se trouvant dans le pays ou vous etes. b) Si Comite Dirigeant il y a, liste et nous de tous les membres qui le composent ainsi que leurs differentes attributions. c) Le montant de cotisation fixe par la section et les modalités requises pour s’en acquitter. d) Un exemplaire de votre règlement d’ordre intérieur ainsi que tous les documents elabores par la section pour la bonne marche de ses activites. Je pense que ceci nous permettra de faire le travail qui est notre avec plus d’efficacite car, a l’heure qu’il est, il nous parait difficile d’estimer le nombre de tous les freres etudiant a l’etrager et, pour rester dans mes attributions, le devoir m’incombe d’informer d’une façon reguliere le Comité Exécutif du déroulement des activites de nos differents Comites Dirigeants -et enfin- porter a la connaissance de tous les Comites Dirigeants de la maniere dont le Comite Executif entend mettre en application les differentes clauses de notre Constitution. Andre Mankenda 58, Rue Gachard, Bruxelles 5 Belgique   UM PEDIDO E UM APELO Pedimos a todos os irmãos que estiveram na Holanda durante a Reunião Extraordinária que nos ajudem a organizar a UNEA. Na altura presente falta-nos dinheiro, falta-nos a lista de todos os membros, falta-nos aquela cooperação própria de um povo que deseja trabalhar. Com este pedido vai um apelo. Lançamos este apelo a todos os angolanos que acham que aproveitariam alguma coisa se se encontrassem com seus colegas que moram e estudam no mesmo país. Caso haja interessados porque não convocamos uma reunião de todos os Angolanos em cada pais de Residência?   The *[ilegível três palavras] of Ian Smith clique The History of a people is an unending book. As time passes, new chapters are added; chapters both noble and ignoble, glorious and inglorious. For centuries, Africa and its ZIMBABWE have been the eldorado of sojourners from the outside world under different guises, with one central purpose - to exploit Africans, and to extract their wealth. THE DECLARATION of INDEPENDENCE by a group of white settlers in Africa proves once more that a real danger in Angola, Mozambique, and so-called Portuguese Guinea might be imminent, because colonialism, neo-colonialism and imperialism are international phenomena and their operations cut across political and economic frontiers operating in continental dimensions. Economic measures have been imposed by Britain, but really ‘how effectivewill they be, with Portuguese and South Africa domination at the door?...’ UNEA energetivally condems the repugnant Ian Smith clique and the ineffectiveness of the measures taken so far by Britain and urges all African States to unite and mobilize, using all possible means including te use of force, in order to destroy and uproot a white regime on African soil. A new, Independent, and sovereign ZIMBABWE must be erected. Peoples of ZIMBABWE must be free. Africa must unite... ---------- XXXXXX ---------- The O.A.U. MEETING MARKS A NEW STEP TOWARD UNITY OF ACTION On October 26, 1965, the Summit Conference of the Heads of State and Government of the OAU were drawing to a close. Fortunately, despite the efforts of those invisible forces who desired and still desired to see an Africa divided and weak for their benefit, an easy prey for their intrigues and manipulations; the OAU meeting was a real sucess. It was clear that its deliberations marked a new stage towards a united Africa: completely free from any kind of domination and interference. UNEA, indicated by sending a telegram for wishes of a sucessful meeting, that it is confident that the Summit will undoubtedly contribute to the UNITY of Africa which is vital for doing away with, as soon as possible, the bitter legacy of colonialism and all its manifestations; and for further progress in the economic, social and cultural life of the African peoples. PORTUGUESE COLONIES IN THE UNITED NATIONS AGAIN... On November 23, 1965 the Security Council, recalling General Assembly resolution 1514 (VX) of December 1960, affirmed «that the situation resulting from the policies of Portugal both as regards the African population of its colonies and the neighbouring States seriously disturbs international peace and security». Therefore, it «calls upon Portugal to give immediate effect to the principle of self-determination as referred to in paragraph 3 above in the Territories under its administration.» It was not surprising that Mr. Miranda expressed Portugal’s determination to ignore any resolution passed by the UN. Portugal is still ignoring the appeals, recommendations and decisions os the various organs of the UN. Will the Security Council, in particular, continue adopting resolutions which Portugal and its allies continue to defy?... Until when?... However, among the several speakers on this matter, the Honorable W. S. Malecela, Embassador of the United Republic of Tanzania categorically and without ambiguity said that Tanzania would give aid to all those forces which were fighting against colonialism. Africa, he said, was determined to teach Portugal a lesson, like the one it got in Goa (India); because Angola, Mozambique and the so-called Portuguese Guinea were, in fact, part and parcel of Africa. __________________XXXXXXX__________________ MORE SCHOLARSHIPS FOR ANGOLANS The SWISS NATIONAL UNION of STUDENTS (VSS/UNES), sent a letter to the UNEA International Vice President which afirmed that it still has in reserve some scholarships for Angolan Students (the rest os the solidarity-weeks 1962/63). This money will be channelled through WUS in official application forms. The problem is being considered by the UNEA’s Executive Committee and by the Comission of Scholarships for consequent distribuition. ___________XXXXXXX_____________ IS IT A PORTUGUESE SABOTAGE?... On July 26, 1965 a bus traveling in the District of Huambo, Province of Benguela went out of control and fell into the Luvulo River killing 40 to 50 people. Ernest Numulo, José Sangueve, Pedro Chimba, Basílio Cutala, Marcelino Salgueiro, Diamantino Stover Malaquias, Dina Rosália Lucas, Rodrino Ngaeita, were among the victims. PASOA annual Conference The Pan African Students Organization in the Americans convened in New York City, August 18-21, 1965 for its Fifth Annual General Conference. Among several resolutions, PASOA called upon «all present national student’s Unions in Africa to become chapters of an over-all Pan African Students Organization in Africa;» USNSA ANNUAL CONGRESS The United States National Student Organization held its 19th Annual Congress at the University of Wisconsin, Madison, from August 22 to September 2, 1965. A resolution on African Policy was passed and Part C deals with Portuguese Territories, where «social discrimination. For example, in the Liceus, (secondary schools) the average ratio is twelve Africans students per 1000 Europeans, and in the commercial schools the figure is less than 20 African Students for every 1000 Europeans enrolled.» As in the past years, «UNSA expresses its solidarity with the students of the Portuguese African Colonies and affirms the right of Independence for these territories». RHODESIA GOVERNMENT MEASURES The Government of Rhodesia is to demand that students applying for the Government scholarships sign a “Stay-out-of-Politics” pledge. When introducing the measure Mr. A. P. Smith - The Rhodesian Minister of Education was reported to have said: «If they bite the hand that feeds them they must expect what comes». ESTUDANTES ANGOLANOS /SECÇÃO DA UNEA) nos Estados Unidos a) De 24 a 27 de Novembro de 1965 mais de 40 membros estiveram em Philadelphia para assistir a Reunião Anual que decorreu com animação. O tema central da Reunião foi sobre a Educação. Como o tempo dos antigos dirigentes tivesse expirado, Zacarias Cardoso, Venâncio Biola, Jerónimo de Almeida, Luciano Kassoma, Eva Chipenda e Ernesto Mulato foram eleitos membros do Comité Dirigente. b) No dia 31 de Dezembro de 1965 deu-se o enlace matrimonial dos irmãos Arminda de Almeida e Adriano de Almeida. Muitos angolanos estiveram em Rochester, N.Y. para animar o casal que recem formado. c) A Secção agradece a Mateus da Silva por ter chamado atenção dos colegas sobre a situação dos irmãos na Ilha. PORQUE CRUZAMOS OS BRAÇOS ENQUANTO OUTROS PERECEM? «I would like not only to attain happiness myself but to make others reach it as well. I consider that it consists in the surrender of self. That is why to feel happy is nothing; happiness consists in making others happy.» Andre Gide *[Texto a baixo à manuscrito] «Recebemos o vosso cartão e a lembrança junta e muito nos sensibilizaram as vossas palavras e projectos tão valiosos. Foi uma bela alegria para o nosso distante e limitado Natal. Para ouvir realizações como estas, valia a pena haver muitos natais num ano. E cremos que este desejo não será só nosso. Pela lembrança enviada e pela ideia manifestada aqui vão os nossos agradecimentos e felicitações de amigos e parentes...» Esta carta dispensa comentários. Caro leitor, analise a carta e capte a men- sagem que lhe é dirigida. Um dos membros do Comité Executivo escrevendo disse: HÁ PROBELMAS URGENTES COMO A AJUDA AS ESCOLAS NO CONGO, A CHEGADA DOS ESTUDANTES NO CONGO E NO ZAMBIA, ASSIM COMO A AJUDA MATERIAL NECESSÁRIA AOS NOSSOS CONTENTANEOS EM CABO VERDE. Levantemos os braços enfraquecidos tirando um pouco do muito que temos para alimentar, sarar, consolar, recuperar, encorajar, visitar os tantos irmãos nossos que sem culpa sofrem. DE AGORA A SUA OFERTA PARA PROPORCIONARMOS UMA PÁSCOA FELIZ AOS NOSSOS CONTERRÂNEOS.   FAILING Voices will speak to you from a dozen places and persons and clubs all over the campus and in the town reminding you with an accusing finger and a condescending eye that you have been warned- So, when you have failed, when ou have come in the second or third or last, when you have mistaken acceptance for freedom and honesty and spoken something unpopular or done your own thinking or dated someone unapproved becuase you enjoyed their integrity - the incessant insistent voices will speak breathing an etherizing fume against your ear to deafen you against the Voice of the Eternal You, “We warned you,” they will say, “that the important thing - the supremely important thing- (the voices are almost screaming now) is not to fail nor risk making a mistake or being different, but to get there firts and stay- without roking the boat.” And you will feel crushed and worthless and fearful of trying again to be Yourself against the pressure of the instructing insisting voices. In that moment stand still and hear the Eternal within the creation that is YOU and remember that holy men of the Eternal all failed in the eyes of those who played only to win. Stand still and remember that men are truly men not by what or when they failed or won but rather whether failing or winning they measure the failure or sucess against the Eternal demand of their soul’s and mind’s integrity. When failure or weakness or sucess come- remember- be still and remember- the Eternal of your Self cannot lose or be finally overwhelmed by anything. Job de Carvalho Lycoming College, 1963
Documentos da UNEA (Nova Iorque, Janeiro 1966)
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