Declaração do 5º Congresso do PCP

Papel comum
PCP - Partido Comunista Português
Out 1957
Frankfurt a. Main, April, 29, 1959. To The Honourable Chairman of the Convention People’s Party Acrra Ghana Mr. Chairman, The writers trust this memorandum are African members of the “Movimento Anti-Colonialista” “Movement Against the Colonialism). This Movement is linked to Africa and aims to participate actively in the struggle for the liberation of the Portugal’s african Colonies. The authors of this memorandum are militants of the section organized in Europe. To lay down some of our plans, we are much in need of knowing the dispositions for a future aid rendered, within the spirit of the Accra’s Conferences, by the independent african States. So, we beg to express to you the following: I 1- Considering that some of us are getting into serious difficulties with the Portuguese State, we should like to know whether your State will accord asylum to each of us under such circumstances and as well as to our compatriots who wish to meet us, in the future. 2- In the affirmative, will you authorize us to proceed with our political activity in your country? This activity would take the following aspects; a) Establishment of information Offices, adequately authorized by our Government; b) Edition and diffusion of literature relative to the Portugal’s african colonies; c) Utilisation of your radio transmitting stations for periodic transmissions of programs and messages specially intended for the Portugal’s african colonies; d) Political and revolutionary courses led by us and only pursued by us. 3- On our side, we should undertake a) To respect scrupulously the laws of your country; b) To co-operate, within limits of our possibilities and abilities, in the reconstruction of your Country. II 1- We would like to know whether it would be possible for us to work in Ghana for our subsistence. 2- Some of us, living in exile, will soon experience difficulties in renewing their passes. a) Will it be possible for them to obtain Ghana’s pass? b) For this purpose, which requirements will they must to meet? c) Would it be possible to get it in your Embassies in Europe? III Professor Philip CBEHO, who we have had the honour to know at the Black Writers and Artists’ Congress, in Rome, will be so kind as to introduce us to you. Trusting to be honored, soon with your reply favourable to our desire to struggle for the liberation of our countries on the Mother Africa’s soil, Yours very faithfully P.S.: Please reply, by registered letter, to the following address: L. Lara Camillo Sitteweg 69-71 (Heerstrasse) Frankfurt/Main West Germany

Fotocópia da Declaração do 5º Congresso do PCP sobre o problema das colónias portuguesas

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